What is Bitget?
Bitget is a beginner-friendly cryptocurrency exchange that brings all the crypto services in one place to provide you with a hassle-free and efficient experience. Launched in 2018, the exchange is relatively new but it has managed to outgrow many crypto exchanges on the internet. The number of available assets, easy buying and selling of cryptocurrencies, professional trading experience, and finally, innovative functions like copy trading are some of the reasons any crypto enthusiast would want to check out Bitget. If you’re concerned about security, don’t worry; the exchange has an industry-leading security system to ensure full security and privacy.
Bitget claims they have over two million concurrent users from different parts of the globe, and counting. If you are from Australia, is Bitget a good choice? Read on to find out the answer.
Bitget Features for Australians
Here’s an overview of Bitget’s services:
- Buy cryptocurrencies with fiat assets, including AUD
- Over 250 cryptocurrencies are available to trade
- Trade within several markets
- Professional mobile applications for iOS and Android devices
- The advanced and efficient trading interface
- Automate your trading with grids and copy trading
- Several earning methods to create income streams
- Detailed guiding content
- Amazing affiliate rewards
- Easy-to-use platform with quick signup
Bitget has managed to exceed the expectations of many crypto enthusiasts with their amazing services, diversity, and the variety of unique features they offer. Let’s take a closer look at the features of Bitget and evaluate if it’s actually a good choice for Australians.
Buy and sell cryptocurrencies with AUD
If you are living in Australia and want to use the services of Bitget, you would definitely want to pay with AUD when purchasing cryptocurrencies in order to avoid costly conversion charges and the unavailability of suitable payment methods. The good news is Bitget has partnered with third-party payment merchants that allow clients to purchase any crypto asset they want with AUD.
There are several payment merchants available on Bitget, including Simplex and Banxa, and you can simply go with the ones with lower fees. The best thing is that those third-party merchants also offer a variety of payment methods for Australian users so clients won’t have to be limited to specific options.
In case you want to sell your cryptocurrencies and receive AUD in return directly in your bank account, there is a P2P market available with a good variety of merchants.
Trade over 250 cryptocurrencies and digital assets
There are different types of traders in the digital world, each with their own preferences. Some prefer to trade only specific assets or focus on a single asset while trading; others prefer to diversify their portfolios and divide the risk equally among a variety of assets.
With Bitget, it doesn’t matter what type of trader you are. The exchange has over 250 digital assets that can be traded instantly without any restrictions. There is a whole market section where you can explore those assets and check out their price, 24-hour change, volume, market cap, and other essential information. There are also different digital assets like Metaverse, GameFi, NFTs, and many more that are accessible to everyone. Lastly, Bitget supports newly launched assets that can pay off really well, depending on their potential, goal, and social presence.
Spot and futures trading markets are available
We have reached an era where simple trading is not enough. Professional traders want diversity in order to explore opportunities that can be beneficial for them. This is where futures come in with their enormous potential to multiply profits through a seemingly get-rich-quick scheme. But do remember that futures trading comes with some cons that can quickly lead to bankruptcy if you fail to understand how this specific type of trading works and do not exercise caution.
But if you decide to take the risk with futures trading, Bitget has a great variety of markets within this category that you can check out. You can trade USDC futures, Coin-M futures, and USDT-M futures on the exchange. Each market comes with several assets to trade, along with the option to customise your trades. You can choose the margin, set profit/stop loss, and tweak a few other things that could make your trades successful. And lastly, if you just want a casual trading experience with no technicalities involved, there is a spot market with hundreds of assets that you can opt for and start trading with relatively lower risk.
Fast, accurate, and professional trading layout
A massive number of assets available to trade would not mean anything if an exchange cannot provide a suitable trading experience with the given layout. Rest assured, Bitget will not disappoint with their amazingly fast, accurate, and professional trading layout integrated with useful and advanced features. For starters, traders are provided with a real-time chart of the selected asset, and you can also see its precise movements. With a deeper look into the chart, you also find options like indicators that can help you determine the possible movements of the market in the near future.
There are several indicators available designed for different types of evaluations, and you can integrate one or more at the same time. For the chart adjustments, you can replace candles, take snapshots, write notes, enter the full-screen mode, select different timestamps, or use countless drawing tools.
Automate your trading with grids and copy trading
Not everyone who is interested in jumping into the crypto industry is a professional trader or knows how things work here. You might just be a beginner or an amateur who believes in the cause and is not interested in spending hours learning how to trade and explore futures and other complicated markets. In that case, you can try your luck with trading grids and the copy trading section offered by Bitget to facilitate traders with no experience or no time. Trading grids are bots that are designed to buy a specific asset low and sell it high automatically to make a profit. With Bitget, you can use these grids on the spot market as well as futures to maximise the returns.
But with copy trading, you rely on a human trader with experience who trades on your behalf. There is a separate section of copy trading that is available at Bitget, where you can find countless professional traders that you can copy. You can check out their success rate, profit made in the past days, total PnL, ROI, and other parameters that can give you an idea of the trader’s skills.
Mobile applications for iOS and Android devices
Bitget offers iOS and Android mobile applications, so you can trade whenever you want and anytime you want. The best thing is that Bitget offers users all trading markets in their mobile applications along with the option to explore options and customise their trades. You can also keep track of your account and portfolio or buy cryptocurrencies with fiat assets through the mobile app.
Flexible earnings with your cryptocurrencies
In the traditional world of finances, most people go with banks. Doing so saves their money from depreciation due to the high inflation rate every year and earns them an interest rate on the deposited cash. A similar scenario also happens in the blockchain industry, where you can stake your crypto assets and get flexible returns depending on the cryptocurrency you are going to stake.
If you also want your crypto assets to earn at the end of the day, you can go with the Bitget savings option and earn up to 15.60% APY, which is definitely considerable. You can have your assets work for you while you sleep and let your portfolio grow with time. No need to worry about value depreciation, and you also get to save your funds in your Bitget account. This feature is available for Aussies, and you can enjoy it without any restrictions.
Join the BGB ecosystem
BGB is the Bitget native token, which comes with a lot of benefits if you are planning to start trading on the exchange. You can stake BGB and earn 6% APY to grow your holdings. You can also get trading fee discounts if you are paying the fee with BGB tokens.
BGB gives you access to the launchpad where you can explore new assets and be an early investor. Lastly, Bitget offers BGB holders private circle tickets and premium rewards that can make your experience even better on the exchange.
Passive income with affiliate and referral program
Whether you’re from Australia or any other country, you can join Bitget’s affiliate and referral program to create passive income streams. The referral program lets you earn a 30% commission on every trade your referral initiates. You can invite as many friends, claim your rewards, and start earning together.
The Bitget affiliate program is a little more advanced and allows you to earn up to 50% commission from your affiliates. With daily commission settled every day and next-day payouts, you can withdraw your profits whenever you want with ease.
Massive educational content inventory
If you are a newcomer and do not have the slightest idea about how things work in the blockchain industry, don’t worry. Bitget will help you with their educational content. The platform has a huge inventory of guides, tutorials, and informational posts that can help you learn to trade and improve your skills.
The educational content offered by Bitget is available for all, and anyone can access it through the exchange. There are also videos available to clearly demonstrate the topic and let you understand it without any difficulties.
Fees and Payment Methods
Bitget has a fixed trading fee for all traders regardless of where they are from. A very interesting fact about the exchange is they do not charge any fee for spot trading. For futures trading, the exchange charges 0.02% from makers and 0.06% from takers. If you are holding BGB, you can enjoy trading fee discounts to make your trading experience even cheaper.
The platform does not charge for crypto deposits through your crypto wallet. But if you are withdrawing cryptocurrencies to your external wallet, you pay a variable fee which is determined by the exchange according to the market conditions.
For direct crypto purchases through third-party payment merchants, you pay anywhere between 4% and 6% depending on the chosen payment method and the merchant. The payment methods available depend on the third-party merchant, but will include debit/credit cards, Google Pay, Apple Pay, and Bank transfers.
If you want to use the P2P market for purchasing or selling digital assets, you pay a commission set by the merchants listed there.
Pros and Cons of Bitget
A quick search on Google would show you literally hundreds of global cryptocurrency exchanges that are available. But are they good to use in Australia? Do those exchanges offer suitable payment methods, and do they support AUD as a fiat currency? Bitget is one that does accept AUD, and is available for Australians to trade crypto with plenty of advanced features.
Bitget offers a variety of payment methods available in Australia and supports AUD to avoid conversion charges. Aussies are enabled to use every service available on the exchange without any restrictions. If you love to have diversity in your crypto portfolio, want to explore several trading markets, and want to earn through your crypto assets, Bitget will not disappoint you.
If you are looking for more options in Australia, take a look at the quick comparison table below.
Frequently Asked Questions
Bitget offers a variety of payment methods to Australians through their third-party payment merchants. Aussies can use their bank cards, Google Pay, Apple Pay, and a few other options to buy cryptocurrencies.
Yes, Bitget is unquestionably a safe and secure cryptocurrency exchange that has been in business for years now. With their security and privacy features, you can expect seamless protection of your funds and identity.
Everyone, including Australians, has to verify their identity on Bitget. Simply upload the documents requested, and you will be good to go.
Yes, Bitget is an excellent exchange for trading cryptocurrencies in Australia. With a wide range of coins, low trading fees, and plenty of features, such as trading bots and copy trading, Aussie crypto enthusiasts will love Bitget.
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